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Pedilanthus Green Plant


Pedilanthus Green Plant

Common Name                       Devil’s Backbone, Redbird Flower, Buck Thorn, Cimora Misha, Christmas Candle,
Fiddle Flower, Jacob’s Ladder
Flower Colour                          Red
Difficulty Level                        Easy to grow
Sunlight                                    Full Sun to Partial Shade
Watering                                   Medium

Planting And Care

Keep it in bright daylight. The plant water requirements vary according to the season and therefore need to be checked by pressing the top of the soil and judging if it is dry or humid. Avoid watering the leaves, supply water to soil only. Extra care is needed while watering as less or excess water, each could damage the plant.

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Light: Bright indirect sunlight
  • Watering: Water once a week
  • Place: Bright indoors/outdoors
  • Character: Air-purifying

Keep in a bright sunny location.
Try not to water the leaves, give water to soil only.
Avoid overwatering as the roots may get rot.
Required care in the winter season.
If growing in a pot, then kept in indoors and growing in outside do mulching.

For more information Pedilanthus 

Ornamental Use:
The plant is used for ornamental purpose

Please Note

This product will be hand delivered to your doorstep.
The image is for reference only.
Please take out the plant from the box immediately after receiving and water it as required.
Water the soil, not the leaves and flowers.
Keep it away from direct sunlight.
Avoid placing plants in trouble spots, such as near heat or air conditioning ducts.

From enisarg.com

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