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Echeveria Peacockii Plant


If you are looking for a low-maintenance plant, Echeveria peacockii is an excellent choice. These succulents thrive on neglect; all they need is a bright sunny location and an occasional watering. Under the right conditions, your Echeveria peacockii may even reward you with a show of beautiful pink flowers in the spring or early summer. These delicate, bell-shaped flowers sprout from the center of the rosettes on long stems and usually last for 2-3 weeks.


Echeveria peacockii are sun-loving succulents that require lots of light to encourage healthy growth. When grown indoors, they should be given as much light as possible, either in a south- or west-facing window, or beneath a grow light. When grown outdoors (especially in hot climates) Echeveria peacockii should be planted in locations that receive some protection from the harshest rays of the day which may burn the delicate leaves.


These succulents require well-draining potting mediums to prevent water from sitting around the roots. Commercially available cactus and succulent mixes are perfect for the Echeveria peacockii, or you can easily make your own at home. Mix together equal parts regular potting soil, coarse sand, and perlite to create a mix that is coarse, airy, and well-draining.


Echeveria peacockii are extremely drought tolerant and sensitive to overwatering. As a general rule, it is better to under-water these succulents than to overwater them. The soil should be allowed to dry out thoroughly between waterings.

Temperature and Humidity

Native to Mexico, Echeveria peacockii thrive in warm, dry temperatures and do not tolerate frost. They can be grown outdoors year-round in USDA zones 9b through 11b, otherwise if you are hoping to grow these succulents outdoors they should be grown in containers that can be moved indoors during inclement weather.


These Echeveria are accustomed to growing in poor quality soils and do not require regular fertilization. In fact, too much fertilizing can actually do more harm than good – causing leggy growth and fertilizer burn. However, they can benefit from an annual application of cactus/succulent fertilizer in the early spring to help boost healthy growth throughout the active growing period.

For More Information Echeveria Peacockii  

Propagating Echeveria Peacockii Plant

This Echeveria is most easily propagated by leaves or cuttings. To propagate by leaves, gently twist off a healthy leaf from the plant, ensuring that the base of the leaf remains intact. Place the leaf (or leaves) on top of a well-draining soil mix in a location that receives bright, indirect light. Wait until roots begin to sprout from the end of the leaf before watering, and then water infrequently. After a few weeks,  you should notice the end of the leaf growing a small succulent. Eventually, as the new succulent matures the old leaf will die off and fall off, at which point you can repot the new succulent and resume a normal care schedule.

Occasionally, mature plants grow offshoots at which point the plant can be propagated by cuttings. Using a clean, sharp knife separate the offshoots from the main plant and set them aside for 24 hours so the fresh cut can callous over. Then, plant the stem of the cutting in a well-draining soil mix and place it in a location that receives bright, indirect light. Roots should begin to sprout after a couple of weeks, at which point you can begin watering the cutting.

Potting and Repotting Echeveria Peacockii

As with most succulents, Echeveria peacockii are slow-growing with shallow root systems and do not require regular repotting. They should only be repotted once the succulent has outgrown its previous potting container, at which point they can be moved up one pot size. During repotting, ensure that you are handling the root ball carefully as the roots are extremely delicate and can break easily. Remove as much of the soil as possible from the roots and refresh with new soil. Water the newly potted succulent thoroughly to help secure the new soil around the roots.

Common Pests/Diseases

Echeveria peacockii are not prone to any serious pests or diseases, but can be afflicted by some common pests such as mealybugs and scale. Since they are so sensitive to overwatering, these succulents are also susceptible to root rot. Keeping your Echeveria peacockii in a well-draining soil mix and watering only when the soil is thoroughly dry will help to prevent overwatering.

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